Congratulations to all the official selections for the 2022 Kids Rule Film Festival.
Films for children, worldwide
Roman Pilgrim – The Tale of Wishful Creek, dir Anny Slater
Films by children (under 18) for children
Disorienteering – dir William Poole
Strings – dir Markello Souvlis
Connect 4, dir Adithya Buddhavarapu
The Missing Piece, dir Veronica Crown
Family Till Forever, dir Crisa Bonifacio
Connection Secured!, dir Baran Akhavan
New Home, dir Aiko Siedlecki
Melting Hearts, dir Chloe Flintoff
A New Friendship, dir Nea Rivamonte
Connection, dir Annabelle Hall
Fish Friend, dir Alaura Mesina
Behind the Window, dir Nick de Visser
The Revolution, dir Camille De Guzman
Downtiming, dir William Poole
The Odd Mush Out, dir Suraj Eswaran
Bacon, dir Elizabeth Hogan
LOOK, dir Hanyu Yang
‘Student Rite-of-Passage N°5; Through the Night’, dir Ching Chi Chan
Project Connection, dir Melissa Cuartas
MASTERS OF PERSUASION, dir Mila and Lula Kazantzidis
The jungle, dir Children of the Nordmarkt primary school
Invader, dir Sui San Lo, Chun Wai Liu, Ka Kei Chen
Find a Unicorn, dir Nitza Mina Young